Promo Campaign:
“Make 2022 Your Year.”

Shortly after rolling out new features and subscription plans in Evernote's repackaging effort, we used our 2022 New Year promo campaign to put the marketing power of those new offerings to the test. 

Taking advantage of seasonal interest, a new messaging framework, growth lessons from past campaigns, and a hefty 50% discount, the campaign was the most successful in the company's history. It outperformed expectations across multiple channels, resulting in a 76% lift in conversions and 51% lift in bookings.


“Get organized, get moving, and take control.”

In 2020, the pandemic and political turmoil made many people feel like they were no longer in control of their lives. By the end of 2021, a feeling of optimism was returning—maybe we really could get back on track… but how?

Our campaign creative positioned Evernote as the missing link between you and your goals. An app can’t solve life’s problems for you, but it can help you think them through, make a plan, and take action. Going back to our brand attributes of being clear, clever, confident, and optimistic, we projected an image of calm assurance—with the discount as a hook to catch the eye and Evernote as the beautifully organized home base where you make it all happen.

Parallel content and influencer campaigns ran alsongside the promo, giving practical ideas for how to unlock that potential, such as tackling a career change or dream project, to make 2022 a year of true progress.



Creative Direction
Forrest Bryant

Nick Masters, Nathan Au

Anthony Bartlett, David Perez

Project Management
Lisa Van Tassel

Explore Fo's Folio

Writing SamplesVarious Projects

Creative DirectionRecent work

Repackaging EvernoteCreative Direction / Copywriting

Focus CultureEditorial / Strategy / Talent

The Ever Better ChallengeEditorial Direction / Talent

Evernote Brand RefreshEditorial Direction

Coffee & Quill SocietyCreative Direction / Copywriting