After 7 ½ incredible years, my journey with Evernote ended today.
It’s impossible to describe just how much I’ll miss my team. So many massively talented people who care about each other, people with so much warmth, humor, dedication, and smarts. You’re amazing, every one of you.
It’s been an honor to guide Evernote’s Creative Studio, bringing the brand to life through word, image, and motion. Some bold ideas went down in flames, but we also polished coal into diamonds. You have so much to be proud of, and I’m proud to have been a part of it.
On a personal level, I’ve written and edited, critiqued and pitched. I’ve stepped in front of the camera, behind the microphone, and far, far beyond my comfort zone.
Above all, I learned what it means to be a leader, studying under the best managers I’ve ever had.
What the heck can follow THAT?
I'm going to take a few weeks to figure things out before I start looking. Right now, every option is on the table. Anything seems possible. But for seven years, I’ve had an organization with deep purpose and passion, a nurturing culture, and wonderful people who motivated me every day.
More of that, please?