Power Tower
January 6, 2023
iPhone 14 Pro Max
I've been out of the photography habit for a while and was feeling pretty lousy about it, so it was a real treat when a co-worker shared the Midnight Slate 52-Week Photo Challenge on one of our office Slack channels. I've tried daily photo challenges in the past and usually flame out before January is over. But weekly? Even a lazybones like me can scratch out one decent image per week, right? Right?!
I also enjoy the themes, which are a mix of subjects, abstract concepts, compositional techniques, and fundamental skills. That felt like a good way to stretch in multiple directions and stay inspired.

For this week's "leading lines" photo theme, I went pretty literal. Gotta start somewhere. This is a high-voltage tower near my home. It's a small squared-off tower, not one of the giant tapered ones, so I could reach my camera under it without climbing in and getting myself in trouble. Anyway, I like the slightly imperfect symmetry here.